The Top 2021 Names-of-Pets-Insured-by-Marble-Members

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The Top 2021 Names-of-Pets-Insured-by-Marble-Members

The end of the calendar year is always a good moment for reflection. And here at Marble, we’re spending some time thinking about what went well in 2021 (We opened our beta to the public! We released our Insurance Insider tool to help folks compare carriers! We launched Marble Mondays to offer members more opportunities to earn rewards!) and what’s to come in 2022 (stay tuned for more on that front). 

But before we close out the year, we also wanted to celebrate the results of our inaugural award for the Top Names-of-Pets-Insured-by-Marble-Members. We decided to establish this extremely prestigious award because, well, we think some of the pet names of our Marble members are really cute — maybe just as cute as the animals themselves.

Before announcing the results, a quick note on how we got them (because we’re all about transparency, given the incredible importance of this award): we created a small, informal survey that listed 20 or so favorite pet names of our Marble members. (Was this initial list of 20 or so names subjective and entirely unscientific? You bet! But at least we’re honest about it.) From there, we sent the survey around to the Marble team and also posted it to our social accounts. Folks could vote for as many pet names as they wanted. We kept the survey open for three weeks, then closed  it and passed it off to Ernst & Young to tally and certify (Ok, we didn’t do that. We just looked at the results in Typeform).  

So without further ado, the results! 

2021’s Top Name-of-Pet-Insured-by-Marble-Member


We love Churro. The name fits the pup perfectly: he’s a real sweety with a cinnamon kick. That said, it’s important to note that Churro’s human is Marble CTO Adi, so it’s possible (though we’re not saying it happened!!) that Churro received more votes than any other pet on the list because of nepotism. It’s possible! 

Runner Ups:

  • Charles S. Mittens
  • Peaches
  • Wasabi
  • Cheese
  • Dennis

Clearly, 2021 was a year of Pets Named Like Foods, which we love. And Pets Named Like People, which we also love. 

And finally, Honorable Mention goes out to these pet siblings:

  • Nacho & Queso, a couple of cats
  • Porter & Stout, a duo of dogs 

Thanks to all the Pets-Insured-by-Marble-Members for being cute and bringing us joy in 2021! We’ll see you all back here in 2022, as we celebrate the next batch of nominees. And if you end up needing pet insurance between now and then, might we direct you to the Marble marketplace?
