Two terms to know before buying auto insurance

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Two terms to know before buying auto insurance

This blog post is one in a series that we worked on in partnership with our friends at Young Alfred (YA). Because they’re pros, we asked the YA team for their thoughts on some of the industry’s more head-scratching terminology. 

Auto insurance coverage can be really confusing! What is it that you wish people understood better before buying car insurance? 

We know that choosing policies for your car can feel incredibly complicated, especially because there isn’t one umbrella option that will entirely protect you and your vehicle. Knowing the difference between comprehensive coverage and collision insurance, however, is one way to make sure you’re buying the right policy for your needs and risk tolerance. Although the two may sound the same, there are some fundamental differences between these types of policies.

Collision Insurance

Collision insurance offers protection when you as the driver are at fault. Take what happened to Marble member Evan in a grocery store parking lot last summer. Evan thought he had put his car in reverse, but unfortunately, it was still in first gear — which Evan discovered when he accelerated straight into a concrete barrier (not a great start to his week!). Luckily, Evan had collision insurance, which meant that his provider covered the damage to the car. 

Be aware however, that collision insurance does not cover issues that result from vandalism or theft. Other, optional policies, such as roadside assistance, rental reimbursement, or uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, can enhance protection when purchased alongside collision insurance. 

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive coverage on the other hand, provides protection against everything except collision. These policies can be expensive, but they provide coverage for your car from damage owing to vandalism or theft, a broken windshield, fire, rogue bears, a falling tree branch... you name it!

So collision insurance is useful when you hit something else (excluding any pesky animal), while comprehensive coverage covers almost everything else (within reason, of course). The two work in tandem, though there are other ways to supplement your comprehensive coverage if you find the fees too daunting. As always, we recommend that you contact your agent to ensure all of these coverages are included at deductibles that fit your budget.

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